Filming for commercial purposes

Hermes Airports accepts requests from photographers, television stations and film companies wishing to work on the airport premises for commercial purposes. The applicant (e.g. a film company) must submit an online application at least 10 days prior to the filming day. In all cases, Hermes will try to accommodate requests, however the final approval will be granted only after taking into consideration operational requirements.

Any questions concerning filming or photography and/or the cost involved, should be addressed to:

Hermes Airports Ltd
Larnaka International Airport
P.O. Box 43027, 6650 Larnaka, Cyprus
Τel: +357 24742156
Fax: +357 24008117

Important notes regarding commercial filming at the airport:

1. It is prohibited to film or take pictures of the following areas and/or activities:

  • High security areas such as Immigration and Security check points, baggage handling areas, security procedures and/or personnel.
  • Airlines, travel agents, other companies or organizations, commercial installations and/or their staff and company logos (unless permission by the company concerned).

2. For filming in airside areas of the airport, each interested professional/organisation/ company must apply in advance for a Temporary Visitor Pass which is issued by the Department of Civil Aviation. Upon arrival at the airport, all applicants must show their Identity Card to the Department of Civil Aviation in order to obtain a visitor pass. Members of the group/crew must be accompanied at all times by an airport representative.